“Wholesome” isn’t a word our society uses much these days, but it’s something we intuitively crave. Grandma’s fried chicken, family sitting around the dinner table, a simple blessing said before the meal. Rocking a baby to sleep at night after reading his favorite book for the eighth time. These are the simple things that build the backbone of our lives, our families, and yes, even our society.

Here on BigSisterKnows.com, I share my thoughts and research about these simple but profound topics of Christian faith, family, books, and food. And now that I’ve published two books on cast-iron cooking (Modern Cast Iron and Skilletheads), I’ll be sharing a lot of tips on cooking with cast iron.

If you’re looking for encouragement, inspiration, or just a quiet spot in the midst of your busy day, please check out my weekly Blog articles and my monthly newsletter. (If you subscribe now, you’ll get a free PDF eBook, “Big God, Little You,” which provides ten easy ways to share your faith with your little ones. You’ll also get four free recipe cards from Modern Cast Iron.)

Want more? Find encouraging posts on my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest pages.

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